Natalie Perez

 Welcome Natalie Perez


Sparkflight Studios (SFS) is excited to welcome one of our newest members to the team, Natalie Perez.  Natalie brings a green thumb to the firm having earned her Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). She said, "I like to work for a smaller firm, you get to experience the project from start to finish. I was attracted to SFS as I appreciate the mission statement* and the creativity of public art in the portfolio." 

Natalie was drawn to architecture as she believes landscape architecture is the overarching view of design and planning out spaces in nature, and architecture is the way to connect people with the indoor and outdoor experience. She looks forward to learning more about the technical aspect of architecture and the constructibility of buildings. 


Women in the architecture and landscape industry are Natalie's greatest influences, she said, "they have paved the way for other women in the industry." Natalie has been involved in the AIA Student Chapter (AIAS) at UNLV as 2021-2022 Chapter Secretary. She had a mentor through the AIAS chapter that gave her the desire to do the same for other women. She also had a great experience attending the AIAS grassroots conference – a student leadership event - in Washington DC just two months ago.  


When Natalie has free-time, she takes care of her house plants – which total more than 30 plants. She also loves to spend time with family and friends, travel, and she also builds Legos. She even has some Lego plants! 


Welcome Natalie! 


*Sparkflight Studios is on a mission to fashion objects, spaces and buildings deeply and emotionally connected to their social and cultural contexts. As they like to say, design for humans. 



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