Stay Home - Save Lives

Sparkflight Studios in virtual mode! Though we find ourselves in challenging times, we are reminded of all the beautiful ways in which we honor one another. Washing our hands and covering our sneezes have become small acts of kindness. We are growing resilient in our steadfast ways to help one another. Here at Sparkflight Studios, we too are doing our part to slow the spread of the virus. As the construction industry is an essential part of infrastructure and services, we will remain open for business. Rest assured that the Sparkflight team is working safely from home, meeting regularly as a team, and all our projects are continuing to move forward. We are quite tech-savvy, so it is almost business as usual. We can consult remotely if and when the need arises. In the sincere effort to responsibly bring our services to you, we have enacted the following protocols to avoid any unnecessary complications or disruptions: We respectfully request access to the Sparkflig...