Preview "Green Building Market & Impact Report"

FREE webinar Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 12:30pm EST

This presentation promises to show how green building choices both provide a very high return on investment and a significant decrease in our environmental impact.

During this 60 minute webinar a sneak-preview of the Green Building Market & Impact Report 2009 will be presented by the report’s author Robert Watson, Editor and industry leader. This report is an integrated assessment of the land, water, energy, material and indoor environmental impacts of the LEED for New Construction (LEED NC), Core & Shell (LEED CS) and Existing Building (LEED EB) standards.

JohnsonDiversey President & CEO Ed Lonergan will also highlight the importance of sustainability in today’s business environment, offering insights and examples of the company’s work toward improving the sustainability of its customers’ facilities as well as its own. This presentation will detail JohnsonDiversey’s own focus on LEED certification for many of its facilities worldwide.

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  1. "Sustainability built into the DNA of a project doesn't cost more to deliver...but treating it as an add-on results in more expense...a green branch costs the same to create as a brown branch" -Rob Watson

    Design may cost a bit more up-front, but the cost savings in terms of energy use reductions and life-cycle costs can more than offset design expense.


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