2009 Green Building Reports

Report downloads:
Green Building Market & Impact Report 2009 (GBMIR)
USGBC Green Jobs Study 2009 (GJS)

Some highlights:

By 2050 LEED projects should equate 1/2 of a carbon wedge. (GBMIR)

Green Construction projected to contribute $554 Billion, including $396 billion in wages, to U.S. GDP between 2009 and 2013. (GJS)

•  “Our goal is for the phrase ‘green building’ to become obsolete, by making all building and retrofits green – and transforming every job in our industry into a green job,” said Rick Fedrizzi, president, CEO and founding chairman of USGBC. (GJS)

• Despite economic flattening, LEED registered and certified floor area in 2009 is estimated to grow by over 40% compared to last year’s totals, for a cumulative total of over 7 billion square feet worldwide since the standard was launched in 2000. (GBMIR)

• Total water savings from LEED through 2009 is estimated at 15 billion gallons, comprising 0.5% of annual non-residential water use. By 2030, LEED results in nearly 1.3 trillion gallons of saved water, equivalent to 30% of current annual non-residential water use. (GBMIR)

• Annual carbon dioxide savings from LEED buildings is approximately 2.9 million tons from energy efficiency and renewables, a figure that is expected to grow to 130 million tons per year by 2020 and almost 320 million tons annually by 2030. (GBMIR)

• In the coming 3-year cycle Existing Building standard certifications, LEED EB/EBOM, are expected to exceed the New Construction certifications. (GBMIR)

• Based on average materials costs, green building materials represented approximately $7 billion in cumulative spending through 2009, which is expected to reach a cumulative $230 billion by 2030. (GBMIR)

• Embodied energy in buildings that are renovated instead of demolished is expected to save as much energy in 2030 as we import this year from Saudi Arabia. (GBMIR)

• An average of over 60% of construction and demolition waste was diverted from LEED projects, totaling 25 million tons to date. (GBMIR)

• The residential sector in the U.S. represents the largest share of the environmental burden of buildings and in response LEED has now certified nearly 3,000 units, with several thousand more awaiting certification. LEED for Homes project activity did not reflect the market as a whole and still remains strong. (GBMIR)

• An average of at least 580,000 employees are currently enjoying improved indoor environments in LEED buildings at present, and the "green building workforce" is expected to approach 29 million by 2020 and almost 64 million by 2030. The productivity benefits from LEED buildings to date range from $230 to $450 million. (GBMIR)

Watson's Green Building Market & Impact Report 2009 also points out the impact of green building outside the United States, and projects a 30% increase in non-U.S. LEED registration this year, mostly due to green building booms in China, India, and the Middle East.


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