Stay Home - Save Lives, pt. 2

Sparkflight Studios is open for business and committed to our community and team! Through this challenging time, we continue to use our creative resources, attention to detail, and space planning expertise to provide our clients with exceptional project delivery and thoughtful spaces.

As architects, we are always looking for tools to streamline the design process and communicate our ideas. In our current situation, we’ve turned to cyberspace for real-time client feedback, where we can share three-dimensional models and create annotated sketch overlays. Look for future posts on our digital toolkit and unique design capabilities. 

The pandemic has changed the way we conduct business. It has also had a profound impact on our physical environment and public health. At Sparkflight Studios, we can consult and create solutions for evolving business practices in your restaurant or office space. Our space planning expertise is a useful tool to reevaluate floor plans through an epidemiological lens for safety measures like social distancing. As an office, we continue to uphold safety protocols such as consulting remotely and limiting field visits for projects in construction.
  • We respectfully request that visitors to the Sparkflight Studios office wear face coverings.

  • Please address all deliveries to 1489 W Warm Springs Rd, Ste 110 Henderson, NV 89014. The available window for in-person drop-off is M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.

With warm wishes for health and wellbeing,

Sparkflight Studios


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