On The Boards

Framing has begun on our Wardelle Street Townhouses project!

Now that spring is here, we are finding joy in the blue skies and emerging flora. It is a treat to get outside and into the field during this beautiful weather! Our construction projects continue to roll forward despite the current crisis. During site visits, just as in the workplace, we are strictly following OSHA health and safety prevention measures, including maintaining safe distancing and limiting group sizes as much as possible.

Despite the heaviness of the current situation, we are excited to report projects that are on the boards for Sparkflight Studios: Wardelle Street Townhouses, Pinto Campus Social Services Training Room, and Government Center Reroofing and Sealant Replacement. These projects are all in the construction phase!

At Wardelle Street Townhouses, post-tensioned structural slabs have emerged as building footprints are taking shape. This project is a new 57-unit affordable housing complex for the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority.
At Clark County Social Services Pinto Campus, Sparkflight Studios has designed a new training facility complete with A/V equipment upgrades, all new furniture and finishes, and an operable partition wall for divided training. This project is projected to begin construction this spring.
At Clark County Government Center, we steal a moment to enjoy the view as we oversee a major re-roofing and sealant replacement job.


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