Tactility, Color, & Pattern

Materials board for an office tenant improvement.

A materials board is not an unusual object to find in our studio. It allows our clients to visualize their space with tactile feedback. In this particular presentation, we are complimenting the existing wall colors of beige and blue (P-1 & P-2) with earth tones emphasizing yellows and grays. Because the vertical elements are mostly homogenous, we selected a carpet tile (CT-1) with a non-directional patterning that creates a “shore-like” effect. 

A majority of these products are sustainably sourced. Sustainability has always been an ethos of Sparkflight and selecting finish materials are an essential component of sustainable practice. For example, forbo (LT-1) is a global leader in sustainable flooring systems. Overall, they have the largest phthalate-free portfolio in the industry. Similarly, Interface (CT-1) offers sustainable products; this particular carpet tile has a 100% recycled content nylon in its yarn system and has virtually no VOCs.

Material boards are a powerful tool because of their ability to communicate tactility, color, and pattern from an array of responsibly sourced products. Revisit the blog to see more material boards in the future!


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