Bottle Filling Stations Reduce Waste

As discovered on a recent visit to Phoenix’s Sky Harbor airport, bottle fillers are becoming a more commonplace way to hydrate.  According to the Pacific Institute, global sales of bottled water are growing faster than any other beverage.  If you must buy a bottle, refill it for seconds.  Better yet, get a reusable bottle in BPA-free plastic, steel, aluminum or even glass.

Ready for a refill? Elkay EZH20 bottle filling station has a fill rate of 1.1 gallon-per minute (gpm) for a refrigerated unit, which is three times faster than a standard drinking fountain. 

The unit is sensor-activated, so users don’t have to touch anything. The bottle can be held or placed on the designed platform to balance the bottle as it is being filled. The intuitive, touchless operation helps keep the station clean and germ free.

What makes Elkay EZH20 bottle filling station appealing? It fills bottles with filtered water in seconds and providing sustainable benefits by reducing the dependency on disposable plastic bottles. The “Green Ticker” visually quantifies the number of 20 oz. bottles saved from landfills. Imagine the difference that we can make by reducing our use of plastic bottles.

Water filling stations are available for new drinking fountains, and also as retrofit kits. Ideal locations include schools, higher education, medical facilities, and commercial building lobbies.

Did you know that…*
  • Producing the bottles for American consumption required the equivalent of more than 17 million barrels of oil, not including the energy for transportation
  • Bottling water produced more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide
  • It took 3 liters of water to produce 1 liter of bottled water 
* Compiled by Pacific Institute for 2006.

Read more facts about bottled water at the Pacific Institute's website.

(by Melina Soto)


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