Global winner right here in Las Vegas!

image by Desert Sol team

The 2nd Place Global winner from the 2013 Solar Decathlon, Desert Sol, is now at its permanent home at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas.  Admission to DesertSol is free for members or with paid general admission.

Built by teams of UNLV students, the 754-square-foot sustainable solar-powered home took over two years to conceptualize, design and build.  Per the Springs Preserve website, its features include:
  • Solar panels
  • Low-flow fixtures and a multipurpose water system that combines plumbing and fire sprinklers
  • Remote access to temperature controls
  • Strategic window placement to promote cross-ventilation
  • A custom screen along the outdoor deck that filters sun in the summer and retracts to allow warmth from the sun in winter
  •  Intended primarily as a vacation home
The bullet points don't begin to describe the beauty and function of this home.  See it in person to experience the textured and weathered materials, contemporary interiors, artistic shade screen and vistas.

See our October post for the Solar Decathlon to learn more about this project and other Decathlon entries, here...

Directions to Springs Preserve, here...


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