Design Tools - Olioboard

We've recently discovered this amazing tool which allows designers to compile color and furniture boards with a click of the mouse.  This fun tool is called the "Olioboard".  It allows us to quickly communicate our inspirations and design directions with clients.  They can try it themselves too.

For my first Olioboard project, I gathered furniture and color pieces to create a traditional space.  A mid-tone color palette was the start of my inspiration, then the furniture came in to play.  When I think of traditional, three words come to mind - calm, orderly, and comforting.  Furniture pieces match, tables have ornate details or chunky baluster legs, sofas and living chairs are upholstered, classic moldings and trims are used on walls, wall covering with a subtle print, draped window coverings, and a large detailed area rug is used to tie to look together.

Explore the Olioboard site to discover some of the endless possibilities for creating your perfect retreat!  When you're ready for some professional design services, we're here to take that journey with you.  Call or email us for an initial consultation and let's get started!

Rochelle Aquino, Designer


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