Thank You - Thanksgiving 2015

Wishes to all our clients and colleagues for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Gratitude for all that you are and do. And for the day after Thanksgiving... Kudos to REI for their #OptOutside campaign for Black Friday. "Outdoor experiences build better people who are healthier, who make better decisions, and who can take other people, other creatures, and other perspectives into account. Spending time outside is pretty much the opposite of standing in line at a store to get a discount on something you probably don’t really need. That’s why I’m such a fan of taking Black Friday, or any day really, as a chance to step away from our materialistic urges and connect with the outdoors and the people and places we care about. Thank you, REI, for giving us a gentle push in that direction." - excerpt from "The Solace of Vertical Places" by Brady Robinson (read more here... ) Enjoy another take on Thanksgiving with the architecture of food i...