SFS Supports Fight for Healthy Lungs and Clean Air!

Finish Line! Step, breathe in; step, breathe out. Scaling 108 flights of stairs and over 1,400 steps requires rhythm and patience. This past February our office participated in the American Lung Association’s Scale the Strat fundraiser as part of the Ninjaneers team. Participants climbed the stairwell of the Stratosphere to support research, patient education, and advocacy efforts. As you begin your ascent, you become aware that every step matters, no matter how small. Each increment is a small triumph. The same is true for the Lung Association: every dollar, every climb, every breath is a blessing and a gift. Sometimes we can be so focused on reaching our goal at the top that we can forget the joy of the climb. We are thankful to be a part of this important cause and look forward to doing it again next year! Written by James Maurer.