Las Vegas Design Week - Think about it!

Something exciting is happening in Columbus, Ohio. Yes, Ohio. It's a week-long public celebration of design September 27 to October 5. Events leading up to it have been gelling for months, and the inspiration has been building for years. Architect Mike Bongiorno, his wife Sarah, and a number of energetic designer-types, seized the opportunity of the city's bicentennial celebration to make Design Week 2012 happen. Events include: CBUS Ideabook Exhibit and Opening Reception DesignRolls: Architectural Bike Tour Fueling the Creative Economy: Columbus as a Design Incubato KSA Lecture Featuring Julie Snow, Julie Snow Architects AIA Columbus Design Awards Built in Cbus Launch Party The Center's 2nd Annual Celebration idUS Space Imagine a similar event in Las Vegas! A series of interactive, conversation-starting, diverse activities that raise awareness of the impact of all design modalities in our region: graphic, landscape, product, interio...